The Eurovision Song Contest



Mary Kennedy

饰  Host

Thierry Luthers

饰  Host

Frederic Ehterlinck

饰  Himself

Gunnhild Tvinnereim

饰  Norwegian entry (1st

Alejandro Abad

饰  Member of the Spanis


Silvia Abascal

饰  Herself - Member of

Roberto Antolín

饰  Member of the Spanis

Arturo Beltrán

饰  Member of the Spanis

Colin Berry

饰  United Kingdom vote

Lucio Blázquez

饰  Member of the Spanis

Virginie Boland

饰  Belinda

Valérie Buggéa

饰  Herself

Marily Coll

饰  Spanish jury member

Anabel Conde

饰  Spanish entry (2nd p

Enrique Cosano

饰  Member of the Spanis

Tó Cruz

饰  Portuguese entry (21

Arzu Ece

饰  Turkish entry (16th


饰  Herself

Frederic Etherlinck

饰  Belgian entry (20th

Belén Fernández de Henestrosa

饰  Spanish vote present

Eddy Friel

饰  Irish entry (14th pl

Concha Galán

饰  Herself - Spanish Ju

Cuca García de Vinuesa

饰  Member of the Spanis

Bjorgvin Halldorsson

饰  Icelandic entry (15t

Paul Hardy

饰  United Kingdom entry

Tilia Herold

饰  Austrian vote presen

Lidija Horvat

饰  Croatian entry (6th

Hans Frederik Jacobsen

饰  Norwegian entry (1st

Aase Jindar

饰  Norwegian entry (1st

Jan Johansen

饰  Swedish entry (3rd p

Stella Jones

饰  Austrian entry (13th

Brian Kennedy

饰  Interval Performer

Filipp Kirkorov

饰  Russian entry (17th

Elina Konstantopoulou

饰  Greek entry (12th pl

María Kosti

饰  Herself - Member of

Ángel Lacalle

饰  Member of the Spanis

Mustafa Largo

饰  Himself

Teddy Laventure

饰  Herself

Nathalie Lavigne

饰  Herself


饰  Israeli entry (8th p

Agustina López de los Mozos

饰  Spanish jury member

Rolf Løvland

饰  Norwegian entry (1st

Bea Luna

饰  Herself

Verónica Magaz

饰  Member of the Spanis

Dominique Malerat

饰  Himself

Danijela Martinovic

饰  Croatian entry (6th

Justo Molinero

饰  Himself - Member of

Carmen Nebel

饰  German vote presente

Alexandros Panayi

饰  Cypriot entry (9th p

Valentín Paredes

饰  Member of the Spanis

Glen Penniston

饰  German entry (23rd p

Davor Popovic

饰  Bosnian entry (19th

Joze Privsek

饰  Conductor (Slovenia)


饰  United Kingdom entry

Stephen Rudden

饰  United Kingdom entry

Sara Salazar

饰  Member of the Spanis

Nathalie Santamaria

饰  French entry (4th pl

Fionnuala Sherry

饰  Norwegian entry (1st

Pilar Socorro

饰  Member of the Spanis

Mike Spiteri

饰  Maltese entry (10th

Justyna Steczkowska

饰  Polish entry (18th p

Cheyenne Stone

饰  German entry (23rd p

Darja Svajger

饰  Slovenian entry (7th

Czaba Szigeti

饰  Hungarian entry (22n

José Luis Uribarri

饰  Himself - Spanish co

Marc Van Eyck

饰  Himself

Philippe Van Heer

饰  Himself

Aud Wilken

饰  Danish entry (5th pl

Jay Williams

饰  United Kingdom entry

Melih Kibar