Blood Games



Jason Waugh


Mike Combs

Jason Waugh


Maxwell Becker

Jennifer Jendrusik


John Anton

饰  Petri Masteranni

Jenelle Mazaris

饰  Lily Drake

Dave Daniels

饰  Darrel Kincade

Emily Rose Merril

饰  Marilyn Kincaid

Mark Mutafian

饰  Mitch Kincaid

Tammy Hunter

饰  Lori Seward

Jeffery Stetson

饰  Reverend Seward

Lela Montgomery

饰  Patricia Blasko

Marina DeMyer

饰  Melody Brooks

Mike Lomas

饰  Brad DePalma

Drew DeRamor

饰  Sean Steele

Corey Repp

饰  Thomas Kane

Melissa Roback

饰  Karen Brooks

Karissa Jones

饰  Lois Cook

Niclole Majdali

饰  Widow Von Hagar

Keri Philson

饰  Jennifer Fresh

Sheryl Lawton

饰  Mina Principal

Nicole Johnson

饰  Lucy Nightingale

Cara Kirschner

饰  Debbie Hitchcock

Jana Kramer

饰  Mistress Tiamat (as

Michael Mili

饰  Pete Midia

Shaun Buckley

饰  Mo Telclerk

Alex Safi

饰  Fenerec Blasko

Autumn Rose

饰  Blond Lily

Matt Augusta

饰  Matt Batterson

Lauren Allen

饰  Bad Vampires Script

Nancy Babarich

饰  Chambermaid #1

Maxwell Becker

饰  Rugby Newlie Hawk

Eric Cartee

饰  Comic Book Fan

DeAnna Carter

饰  Bad Vampires Pool Pl

Nina Cislaghi

饰  Phone Brunette

Graham Clark

饰  Rugby Newlie Flounde

Lana Clune

饰  Candy Leslie

Dave Cunningham

饰  Bad Vampires Cop

Kim Daniels

饰  Biker Barmaid

Michael DelSordo

饰  Bad Vampires Actor

D.B. Dickerson

饰  Ian Montgomery/Fangu

Jennifer Hogue

饰  Phone Lolita

Nelson Jones

饰  Recorded Voice #2

Timothy Sean Jones

饰  Recorded Voice #1 (a

Sam Khaleghi

饰  Bobby Foster

Michelle Kittredge

饰  Chambermaid #2

Ryan-Iver Klann

饰  Bad Vampires Cameram

A.E. Kowalski

饰  Al Leonard

Heather Kozlakowski

饰  Bad Vampires Directo

Taylor LaCroix

饰  Phone Red Head

Stephanie Lee

饰  Phone Strawberry

Jani le Grange

饰  Phone Exotic

Jim Lewis

饰  Jimmy Actor

Kelly Lomas

饰  Alexandria of the Ni

William S. McIntire

饰  Count Billula

Tim McIssac

饰  Bad Vampires Crew

Theresa McKeon

饰  Gretchen Black

Mike Milo

饰  Bart Ender

Anthony Moscato

饰  Tony Fellini (as Ton

Tabitha Paterni

饰  Phone Skirt-Donor

George Pogacich

饰  Duncan the Blacksmit

Frank Puma

饰  Franco DeVille

Sarah Reznich

饰  Phone Pants-Donor

Jacob Roberts

饰  Eccentric comic book

Carlos Rubio

饰  Mad Dog Jones

Shannon Sanderson

饰  Bad Vampires Bar Fly

Andy Sharples

饰  Nigel the Reporter

Sarah Szydlowski

饰  Sorceress Tiamat/Can

Michelle Tarsin

饰  Vixen

Dave Webb

饰  Vampire King

Rima Yazbeck

饰  Bad Vampires Actress

Jason Waugh


Brandon V. Blanchard

Michael Mili

Mike Milo


Yovo Antonavich

Theresa McKeon


Cara Kirschner

Taylor LaCroix


Shaun Buckley

Karissa Jones

Sam Khaleghi


Brandon V. Blanchard

Aaron Cohen


Eric Bryson

Russell Turner

Gabriel Flores

Joe Gall

Frank Villa