


Randy DeFord


Randy Deford

Jim Dougherty

Steve 'Papaw' Pyatte

Cassandra Schomer

Cheryl Carmin Shaver

Adam Shephard


Donald A. Becker

饰  Crawford

Daniel Boughton

饰  Mike

Laura Beth Clevenger

饰  Danielle Benton

Desiree Conn

饰  Ruby, the waitress

Randy DeFord

饰  Hospital Orderly

Dee Dellenbach

饰  Dee, the Legal Aide

Jim Dougherty

饰  Jim Benton

Dave Ewick

饰  Jess Wilson

Victoria Floro

饰  Nurse Judy Sears

Scott Ganyo

饰  Scottie Raiser

David Gooslin

饰  Det. Jerry McCloskey

Gemma Gould-Dougherty

饰  Dani in wheelchair /

Lindsay Harbert

饰  Molly Sands

K. Elaine Hooker

饰  Beth Benton

Ian Hulette

饰  Sheriff's dispatcher

Jim Hunter

饰  Dr. David Hall

Sean Michael Johnson

饰  Terry Grimmes

Jim Miller

饰  Man in waiting room

Chris Morisse

饰  Mabel Ross

Josh Ochenduszko

饰  Mikey Sullivan

Laura Parish

饰  Paula Callahan

Grace Pfeiffer

饰  Child in office buil

Riley Pfeiffer

饰  Child in office buil

Wendy Pfeiffer

饰  Woman in office buil

Nikki Price

饰  Emily Delp

Toni Puterbaugh

饰  Young Beth

Steve 'Papaw' Pyatte

饰  Dugan

David Ralstin

饰  Man in office buildi

Joshua Ramsey

饰  Mark Randall

Brandon Schaefer

饰  Dr. Brad Willing

Cassandra Schomer

饰  Dr. Marion Fisher

Cheryl Carmin Shaver

饰  Tracie Malchak

Adam Shephard

饰  Gabe Townsend

Dee Stotts

饰  Sammi Gray

Rhonda Tinch-Mize

饰  Mary

Sadie Tysdal

饰  The hospital slasher

Jennifer Wilkens

饰  Nurse Sherry Landry

Stacey Wilson

饰  Angela

Sherry Zerkel

饰  Marcia

Randy DeFord


Randy DeFord

Virgil Franklin

Adam Shephard

Gregg Stanton


Randy DeFord


Kim Elkin


Jim Dougherty

Adam Shephard


Randy DeFord


Daniel Boughton

Jim Dougherty

Merle DeFord

Randy DeFord

Jim Miller

Steve 'Papaw' Pyatte

Daniel Risk

Virgil Franklin