The Hard Problem: The Science Behind the Fiction
Josh Oreck
Tricia Todd
Dr. Nick Bostrum
饰 Himself
Stewart Brand
饰 Himself
Cynthia Breazeal
饰 Herself
David Chalmers
饰 Himself
Ron Chrisley
饰 Himself
Andy Clark
饰 Himself
James Cook
饰 Himself
Daniel C. Dennett
饰 Himself
Esther Dyson
饰 Herself
George Gilder
饰 Himself
Deborah Gordon
饰 Herself
Richard Hanley
饰 Himself
Will Harvey Ph.D.
饰 Himself
J.C. Herz
饰 Himself
Phil Husbands
饰 Himself
Steven Johnson
饰 Himself
Brewster Kahle
饰 Himself
Kevin Kelly
饰 Himself
Christoph Koch
饰 Himself
John R. Koza
饰 Himself
Raymond Kurzweil
饰 Himself
Chris Langton Ph.D.
饰 Himself
Peter B. Lloyd
饰 Himself
Ralph C. Merkle
饰 Himself
Charles Ostman
饰 Himself
Tom Ray
饰 Himself
Torstein Reil
饰 Himself
Rudy Rucker
饰 Himself
John Searle
饰 Himself
Karl Sims
饰 Himself
John Smart
饰 Himself
Bruce Sterling
饰 Himself
Chris Thornton
饰 Himself
Hardin Tibbs
饰 Himself
Sherry Turkle
饰 Herself
Will Wright
饰 Himself
Neve Cunningham
Daniel Desure
Sovonto Green
Rob Massey
Keith Robinson
Byron Shah
Keith Walker
Forrest Brakeman
Claudia Katayanagi
Eric Naughton
Alex Ramos
Chris Sheedy
Patrick Tillmann
Alexander Gray
Jeffrey Doe