In the Year of the Pig
Emile de Antonio
Harry S. Ashmore
饰 Himself (chairman, C
Daniel Berrigan
饰 Himself
Joseph Buttinger
饰 Himself (France)
William R. Corson
饰 Himself (USMC, CIA)
Philippe Devillers
饰 Himself (France)
David Halberstam
饰 Himself (New York Ti
Roger Hillsman
饰 Himself (Asst. Secre
Jean Lacouture
饰 Himself (France)
Kenneth P. Landon
饰 Himself (State Dept.
Thruston B. Morton
饰 Himself (US Senator)
Paul Mus
饰 Himself (Yale Univer
Charlton Osburn
饰 Himself (State Dept.
Harrison Salisbury
饰 Himself (New York Ti
Ilya Todd
饰 Himself (reporter, L
John Toller
饰 Himself (Green Beret
David K. Tuck
饰 Himself (US servicem
David Werfel
饰 Himself (University
John White
饰 Himself (USN, Tonkin
Dai Bao
饰 Himself (in Cannes)
En-lai Chou
饰 Himself (in Geneva f
Mark W. Clark
饰 Himself (recommends
Jean de Lattre de Tassigny
饰 Himself (arrives in
Everett Dirksen
饰 Himself (US Senator)
John Foster Dulles
饰 Himself (archive foo
Anthony Eden
饰 Himself (in Geneva f
Dwight D. Eisenhower
饰 Himself (in limousin
Gerald Ford
饰 Himself (speech on e
Ernest Gruening
饰 Himself (US Senator)
Alexander Haig
饰 Himself (in Vietnam)
Chi Minh Ho
饰 Himself (in his rust
Richard Hughes
饰 Himself (Governor, N
Hubert H. Humphrey
饰 Himself (speech on m
General Ilie
饰 Himself (archive foo
Lady Bird Johnson
饰 Herself (with LBJ an
Lyndon Johnson
饰 Himself (archive foo
John F. Kennedy
饰 Himself (speech on V
Curtis LeMay
饰 Himself (speech on C
Malcolm MacDonald
饰 Himself (with Africa
Joseph McCarthy
饰 Himself (speech on I
Robert McNamara
饰 Himself (Secretary o
Vyacheslav Molotov
饰 Himself (in Geneva f
Wayne Morse
饰 Himself (US Senator)
Dinh Diem Ngo
饰 Himself (sits in thr
Dinh Nhu Ngo
饰 Himself (archive foo
Cao Ky Nguyen
饰 Himself (states his
Madame Nhu
饰 Herself (speech on m
Richard Nixon
饰 Himself (handshake w
George S. Patton III
饰 Himself (US Army, ta
Van Dong Pham
饰 Himself (with Ho) (a
Duc Quang
饰 Himself (prepares to
Arthur Sylvester
饰 Himself (Asst. Secre
Nguyen Giap Vo
饰 Himself (with office
William C. Westmoreland
饰 Himself (speech on t
Earle G. Wheeler
饰 Himself (Chairman, J
Charles Wilson
饰 Himself (Secretary o
Whitney Young
饰 Himself (Urban Leagu
John F. Newman
Jean-Jacques Rochut
Harald Maury
Steve Addiss
Albert Maher
Lynzee Klingman
Helen Levitt
Hannah Moreinis