Clarence and Angel



Robert Gardner


Robert Gardner


Vicky Gholson

Howard Lotsoff


Darren Brown

饰  Clarence

Mark Cardova

饰  Angel

Izola Armstrong

饰  Robert's teacher

Christine Campbell

饰  Angel's teacher

Janice Jenkins

饰  Principal

Lola Langley

饰  Robert's mother

Lolita Lewis

饰  Henry's mother

Cynthia McPherson

饰  Clarence's teacher

Robert Middleton

饰  Assistant principal

Louise Mike

饰  Clarence's mother

Ellwoodson Williams

饰  Man in barbershop

Leroy Smith

饰  Robert

Edward McLaughlin

饰  Henry

Ricky Rodriguez

饰  Basil (Boy dancing o

Carlos López

饰  Boy in the bathroom

Darrel Maximo

饰  Boy in bathroom/Stud

Tim Moreland

饰  Boy in bathroom

Chris Peace

饰  Boy in bathroom/Clar

William McDuffie

饰  Man in barbershop

Reuben Kirby

饰  Man in barbershop

Costelle Walker

饰  Man in barbershop

Dave Burrell

饰  Man in barbershop

Sikou Brown

饰  Student outside prin

Glenn Evans

饰  Student outside prin

Mabel Evans

饰  Student outside prin

Montana Evans

饰  Student outside prin

Alice Gholson

饰  Student outside prin

Garry Hawthorne

饰  Student outside prin

Emily Richardson

饰  Student outside prin

Eva Varnum

饰  Student outside prin

Omar Williams

饰  Student outside prin

Melissa Boyce

饰  Clarence's classmate

Tanya Buckery

饰  Clarence's classmate

Bernadette Claiborne

饰  Clarence's classmate

Monique Edwards

饰  Clarence's classmate

Eugene Garcia

饰  Clarence's classmate

Natalie George

饰  Clarence's classmate

Tyeasis Johnson

饰  Clarence's classmate

Lanchere Lancaster

饰  Clarence's classmate

Monique Lee

饰  Clarence's classmate

Andre Stephens

饰  Clarence's classmate

Corey Nixon

饰  Clarence's classmate

Lori Nixon

饰  Clarence's classmate

Marisa Nogue

饰  Clarence's classmate

Barbara Pagan

饰  Clarence's classmate

Pat Ruffin

饰  Clarence's classmate

Peggy Ruffin

饰  Clarence's classmate

Victoria Whitfield

饰  Clarence's classmate

Rosalind Days

饰  Game player 'Double

Benjoir Days

饰  Game player 'Double

Jessel Days

饰  Game player 'Double

Ayisha Days

饰  Game player 'Double

Tanya Packer

饰  Game player 'Double

Hilda Saunders

饰  Game player 'Double

Nigille Demps

饰  Game player 'Pattyca

Shari Moreira

饰  Game player 'Pattyca

Sophia Ross

饰  Game player 'Pattyca

Tina Pratt

饰  Tap dancer

Bill Davis

饰  Bass player

Julio González

饰  Movie usher

Herman Glover

饰  Kid sneaking into mo

Kim Hardy

饰  Kid sneaking into mo

Shawn Hardy

饰  Kid sneaking into mo

Judy Gillard

饰  Kid sneaking into mo

Tracy Manns

饰  Girl after school

Dawn Manns

饰  Girl after school

Kelly Diggs

饰  Girl after school

Kendel Mason

饰  Girl after school

Alison Bush

饰  Girl after school

Elizabeth Perez

饰  Girl after school

Andrea van Dyke

饰  Girl after school

Clive Davison

Frederick Geltz

Vincent Galindez

Claude Graham

Doug Harris

Pat Phipps

Msaidia Kijakazi


Collis Davis


Jonathan Weld