
Executive Action



David Miller



Dalton Trumbo

Donald Freed

Mark Lane


Harry Caplan

Severo Perez



Burt Lancaster

饰  James Farrington


Robert Ryan

饰  Foster


Will Geer

饰  Ferguson

Gilbert Green

饰  Paulitz

John Anderson

饰  Halliday

Paul Carr

饰  Chris

Colby Chester

饰  Tim


Ed Lauter

饰  Team 'A' Operations


Walter Brooke

饰  Smythe

John Brascia

饰  Team 'B' Rifleman

Richard Bull

饰  Team 'A' Gunman

Sidney Clute

饰  Depository Clerk

Deanna Darrin

饰  Stripper

Lee Delano

饰  Team 'A' Gunman

Lloyd Gough

饰  McCadden

Graydon Gould

饰  TV Commentator

Rick Hurst

饰  Used Car Salesman (a

Robert Karnes

饰  Man at Rifle Range

James MacColl

饰  Oswald Imposter (as

Joaquín Martínez

饰  Art Mendoza (as Jacq

Dick Miller

饰  Team 'B' Rifleman

Oscar Orcini

饰  Jack Ruby

Tom Peters

饰  Sergeant

Paul Sorenson

饰  Officer Brown

Hunter von Leer

饰  Team 'B' Rifleman (a

Sandy Ward

饰  Policeman

William Watson

饰  Team 'B' Technician

John Himes

饰  Reporter (unbilled)

Matthew Ahman

饰  Himself (with JFK an

George Aiken

饰  Himself (behind JFK

Glen A. Bennett

饰  Himself (in presiden

Eugene Carson Blake

饰  Himself (with JFK an

Leonid Brezhnev

饰  Himself (applauds Te

Earle Cabell

饰  Himself (welcomes JF

Mrs. Earle Cabell

饰  Herself (presents fl

John Connally

饰  Himself (in Dallas w

Nellie Connally

饰  Herself (in Dallas w

Jesse E. Curry

饰  Himself (Dallas poli

Chuck Dawson

饰  Extra (uncredited)

J.C. Day

饰  Himself (holds rifle

Patrick Dean

饰  Himself (stands by a

Everett Dirksen

饰  Himself (behind JFK

William C. Foster

饰  Himself (behind JFK

Will Fritz

饰  Himself (Dallas chie

J. William Fulbright

饰  Himself (behind JFK

L.C. Graves

饰  Himself (arrives at

William Greer

饰  Himself (in limousin

Andrei Gromyko

饰  Himself (signs Test

Bobby Hargis

饰  Himself (in presiden

George W. Hickey

饰  Himself (in presiden

Clint Hill

饰  Himself (in presiden

Hubert H. Humphrey

饰  Himself (behind JFK

Lady Bird Johnson

饰  Herself (in Dallas w

Lyndon Johnson

饰  Himself (in Dallas w

Roy Kellerman

饰  Himself (in limousin

Ed Kemmer

饰  Reporter (uncredited

Caroline Kennedy

饰  Herself (with JFK) (

Jacqueline Kennedy

饰  Herself (in Dallas w

John F. Kennedy

饰  Himself (speeches) (

John Kennedy Jr.

饰  Himself (with JFK) (


Robert F. Kennedy

饰  Himself (listens to


Nikita Khrushchev

饰  Himself (applauds Te

Malcolm Kilduff

饰  Himself (enters Park


Martin Luther King

饰  Himself (with civil

Samuel A. Kinney

饰  Himself (in presiden

Paul E. Landis

饰  Himself (in presiden

Jim Leavelle

饰  Himself (arrives at

John Lewis

饰  Himself (with JFK an

B.J. Martin

饰  Himself (in presiden

Tim McIntyre

饰  Himself (in presiden

Robert McNamara

饰  Himself (listens to

W.E. Newman Jr.

饰  Himself (lies in Dea

Kenneth P. O'Donnell

饰  Himself (in presiden

Lee Harvey Oswald

饰  Himself (explains Co

Ike Pappas

饰  Himself (at shooting

David F. Powers

饰  Himself (in presiden

Joachim Prinz

饰  Himself (with JFK an

A. Philip Randolph

饰  Himself (with JFK an

Sam Rayburn

饰  Himself (listens to

John D. Ready

饰  Himself (in presiden

Walter Reuther

饰  Himself (with JFK an

Emory P. Roberts

饰  Himself (in presiden

Jack Ruby

饰  Himself (moves to sh

Dean Rusk

饰  Himself (behind JFK

Leverett Saltonstall

饰  Himself (behind JFK

George A. Smathers

饰  Himself (behind JFK

Adlai Stevenson

饰  Himself (badgered by

Lewis Strauss

饰  Himself (testifies a

Edward Teller

饰  Himself (testifies a

U Thant

饰  Himself (applauds Te

Cyrus Vance

饰  Himself (handshake w

Henry M. Wade

饰  Himself (Dallas DA,

Roy Wilkins

饰  Himself (with JFK an

Whitney Young

饰  Himself (with JFK an

Robert Steadman


Bruce Bisenz

Richard S. Brummer

Kirk Francis

Jock Putnam

Gerry Puhara

Ivan Dryer

Irving Lerner

Melvin Shapiro


Randy Edelman


Kirk Axtell


Byrd Holland

Carl A. Russell


George Grenville