A 3D hybrid merging the genres of film noir, dance, and mystery. A loner fresh out of rehab and hunted by both sides of the law returns home to solve the murder of his sister, and finds himself entangled in a game of revenge on the LA club circuit.
- Hypnotize 3D
- 48 Hours To Live
- Wild for the Night
- 菲律宾 2016-09-09
- 美国 2017-01-13
- 制作机构
- Tri Destined Studios
- Horsin' Around Productions
- Initiate Productions
- RAE Pictures
- Tri Destined Films
- True Vision Media Group
- 发行机构
- Ascot Elite Entertainment Group [瑞士]
- Gravitas Ventures [美国]
- Silverline Multimedia
- Falcon Films [黎巴嫩]
- 其他机构
- Chapman/Leonard Studio Equipment
- Cop Shop LA [美国]
- Digital Post Services [美国]