Antigone returns from Athens to her troubled hometown, determined to keep a low profile. But this is a complex, difficult woman — her name is no coincidence — and her run-ins with the town's brutish men set a dramatic series of events in motion. A moral drama with an edge.
- Να κάθεσαι και να κοιτας
- Standing Aside, Watching
- Na kathesai kai na koitas
- 希腊 2013-05-09
- 希腊 2013-11-08
- 爱尔兰 2014-02-16
- 时长1小时38分钟
- 色彩彩色
- 声效 立体声(Stereo)
- 制作机构
- 2/35
- Feelgood Entertainment [希腊]
- Blonde Audiovisual Productions
- Greek Film Center [希腊]
- Hellenic Radio & Television (ERT) [希腊]
- Heretic
- Stefi Films
- 发行机构
- Feelgood Entertainment [希腊]