In an age of instant communication and satellite mapping, it is almost unthinkable that a mountain range of length comparable to the entire Nepal Himalaya should still remain only as a vague notion to geographers and exploratory mountaineers. However, in the heart of unexplored and secret Tibet it is true. Two mountain ranges north of the Himalayas lie the Nyangla Tanglha mountains of Tibet. No peak in this range has ever been climbed. The crowning summit of the range, Sepu Kangri (the White Snow God), is the objective of Sir Chris Bonington's final mountaineering expedition. Will this be Bonington's last stand? At the age of 64, does he have any real chance of succeeding? He has already made one unsuccessful attempt a year ago. Will it be triumph or tragedy with no hope of rescue? Every member of the climbing team contributed action photography and video diaries. It provides a window into a part of Tibet that had not been visited by Westerners since the 1920's and is so remote that it still maintains Tibet's unique culture. e8e Written by Martin Belderson