WWF Title: Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels, WWF Intercontinental Title: Owen Hart vs. Steve Austin, Kane vs. Mankind. The Leigon of Doom, Ken Shamrock & Ahmed Johnson vs. The Nation of Domination. Davey Boy Smith, Doug Furnas, Philip LaFon & Jim Neidhart vs. Goldust, Vader, Marc Mero & Steve Blackman, The Truth Commission vs. The Disciples of Apocalypse. The New Age Outlaws & The Godwinns vs. The New Blackjacks & The Headbangers Written by Anonymous Will go down as the most controversial night in the history of professional wrestling. The event where the now infamous screw job on Bret Hart occured which led to alot of WWF wrestlers boycotting the Raw Is War show the next day. Even to this day whenever the WWE is in Montreal the fans refuse to let Vince forget this betrayal. Written by IanGorton