Three American astronauts are on the first manned mission to Venus, and when they arrive, they find the planet to be inhabited solely by women with high heels and short dresses. Unfortunately, they are immediately imprisoned, for the queen who rules Venus hates men... Suspecting the astronauts to be spies, she now plans to destroy the Earth. So now it's up to the three men (and some friendly Venusians) to overthrow the wicked queen and save the Earth. cc1 Written by Leon Wolters Capt. Patterson and his spaceship crew witness the destruction of Earth's space station by a mysterious ray which accelerates the ship to a crash landing on Venus. They're captured by a troop of raygun-toting miniskirted lovelies who speak English. It seems Venus's men died in a recent revolt, and masked Queen Yllana intends the same fate for Earth. But there's an anti-war faction led by scientist Talleah, and as the only men on the planet, our heroes have no trouble making friends... Written by Rod Crawford