Tom Sawyer and his pal Huckleberry Finn have great adventures on the Mississippi River, pretending to be pirates, attending their own funeral, and witnessing a murder.
- Tom Sawyer
- A Musical Adaptation of Mark Twain's 'Tom Sawyer'.....(USA)
- Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer.....Spain
- Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer: A Musical Adaptation.....USA
- Oi peripeteies tou Tom Sawyer.....Greece
- 芬兰 1975-03-28 1975
- 丹麦 1973-12-26 1973
- 瑞典 1973-12-15 1973
- 美国 1973-03-14 1973
- 时长1小时44分钟
- 色彩彩色
- 声效 70 mm 6-Track/单声道(Mono)
- 制作机构
- Apjac International
- 发行机构
- 联美电影公司[美国]
- CBS Television
- Chapel Distribution
- 其他机构
- Cinemobile System Inc.
- Panavision Dallas [美国]