


Shankar (Amitabh Bachchan) grows up as a Nastik (athiest) because his father got murdered by Tiger and his mother and sister got torched in their house and blamed God for doing nothing. After his father, mother and sister got killed, he decided to bring justice himself and the child Shankar went to the palace of Tiger but instead of killing, he blind him. When he grows up, he went to have a career of stealng other people's property. He join forces with Balbir (Pran) and Gauri (Hema Malini). At one time, he was shot by Tiger (Amjad Khan) for stealing his goods and then in an attempt to hide, he found his mother, who he thought was dead in that fire. In a rude awakening, he decided to stop stealing other people's property and find his long lost family. Incidedntally, Balbir saved Shankar's sister who was chased by Tiger's men as she went outside to bring medicine for her mother. When Shankar went to bring medicine for the mother, he finally told her that he was the long lost son and the family were finally reunited. Shankar found out from his sister that the enemy who he thought had killed, actually was alive. He decided to finish him once and for all. Does he succeed in his quest for revenge? Does he finally start to believe God? Written by pop-16 Young Shankar lives in a small town with his mother, father, and sister, Shanti. Shankar likes to participate and pray in the nearby temple, and also sing bhajans. On one occasion, the Deity Bhagwan Shri Kishan was being covered by expensive jewelery and ornaments. This was the day that Shankar's dad was seriously ill and unable to walk. So when the prayers ended, Shankar carried the Bhagwan Kishan so his father can get the blessings. His father had overheard that someone was going to steal the jewelery, but before father and son could do anything, the local Zamindar young Tiger and his men accused them of stealing the jewelery-laden Deity, and killed Shankar's father. Shankar's pleas that they were innocent were all in vain. Their hut is burnt down together with his mother and sister in it. After the funeral rites, Shankar breaks into Tiger's house and stabs him in the left eye, partially blinding him, and runs away. Tiger grows up and uses one glass eye. Meanwhile, Shankar has become an atheist, and has taken to a life of crime. Years later, Tiger and Shankar will meet again, both will be unaware of each other. Tiger will be an underworld gangster, still looking for the man who blinded him, and Shankar a career thief and atheist, who is looking for a man with one glass eye. Both are certain of one thing only - that only one will survive their next encounter. Written by rAjOo ( Plot Synopsis: This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis


  • Nastik


  • 动作  


  • 印度  


  • 印度
  • 1983-02-18  1983


  • 1983年02月18日


  • 印度


  • 印地语
  • 声效 单声道(Mono)