


Raja Azaad Singh rules over his people with compassion and fairness, and as result this region prospers. His wife, Durga, gives birth to a son, and there is considerable jubilation amongst his subjects. Then the British decide to take over his region, Azaad fights bravely, but he is outnumbered, both he and Durga are taken prisoner and made to work as slaves. Loyal subjects assist in getting their son out of the region, where he is adopted by a kind woman Jamuna and her husband. Years later, while Durga, who has lost the use of her vocal chords, and Azaad are still slaves, their son, now named Raju, drives a horse-carriage (tonga) with a horse named Badal and a loyal dog named Moti; woos a proud and snobbish Rajkumari named Ruby, the daughter of Britisher Dr. Harry. When the British find out about Raju's royal blood, they enmesh Azaad and him in web of lies of deceit, forcing them to a combat with each other in an open arena. Watch how father and son unknowingly fight each other, knowing fully well that only one of them will survive to tell this tale. Written by rAjOo ( Plot Synopsis: This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis


  • Mard


  • 动作  爱情  


  • 印度  


  • 印度
  • 1985-10-10  1985


  • 1985年10月10日


  • 印度


  • 印地语
  • 声效 立体声(Stereo)