In 1935, gangster Arthur "Dutch Schultz" Fleggenheimer, his advisor Otto "Abbadabba" Berman, and henchmen Bernard "Lulu" Rosenkrantz and Abe "Misfit Irving" Landau were gunned down in New York's Palace Chophouse. With Schultz and Berman died the knowledge of the whereabouts of Schultz's fortune: Seven million dollars in stocks, bonds, and cash. Many have speculated what happened to it. Some believe Lucky Luciano was lying when he said his gang never turned it up, and kept it for himself. Others believe Schultz gang members picked away at it in several hidden locations. The residents of the Catskill Mountains, though, believe Schultz had it buried there; and for decades, every spring, they have dug up the ground in search of it. This is the story of the people of the Catskills, and their unending quest for riches. e7e Written by Jojo Mac