Cyanide Blues



Thousands of tons of dead fish float to the surface and crying people face devastation on an unprecedented scale. Headlines scream out: "Catastrophe!!", "River Tisza dies" and "It will take generations to restore life". News cameras flock to the Hungarian river and people around the globe get a picture of a river, a people and a country etched into their minds - forever. A week later the catastrophe faded from screens and headlines. People along the Tisza river are left to rebuild their lives. At the same time filmmaker Zoltán Török starts to document the arduous work along the dying river. Contrary to the assumptions made by scientists and experts, the ecosystem fights back, and so do people. Zoltán Török's film is a positive story about a river that refused to die and a people who refused to accept defeat. With the arrival of the following summer, life returns to Tisza. Written by Anonymous


  • Cyanide Blues


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  • 匈牙利
  • 2003-02-02  2003


  • 2003年02月02日


  • 匈牙利


  • 匈牙利语