Volgend jaar in Holysloot



Holysloot is a village with a long village street. Who wouldn't be glad to go to Holysloot, a narrator wonders. "But it's a long journey", he adds. A blind man puts on his dark glasses, and starts walking. His destination is Holysloot. But just as the narrator expected, it isn't an easy journey. One minute the blind man is crossing the icy Dutch landscape, the next minute he passes some geysers. One minute he is crossing an empty beach, only to be surrounded by surprised looking Africans in the next minute. To reach Holysloot apparently requires a world journey. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl) Plot Synopsis: This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis


  • Volgend jaar in Holysloot


  • 短片  冒险  喜剧  


  • 荷兰  


  • 荷兰语