


A foszereplo egy karmester, aki evekig kulfoldon elt es dolgozott, boldog csaladi hatterrel, de most ismet Budapesten van. Minden megvaltozott, meg a felesege is, aki egzisztenciat teremt, jol meno fogorvos. A Karmester egyre szetesettebb, nem talalja a helyet ebben a zurzavarban es akkor egyszercsak krizishelyzet alakul ki. Ideggyogyintezetbe kerul 6 napi nem alvas utan es beleszeret az orvosnobe ... Written by Kornel Osvart The main character in this film (Karmester=Conductor) leads the orchestra of the Hungarian radio nowadays. He works too hard and after he is up for 6 days, his nerves get exhausted. He get to a hospital. While the examinations are in progress we know that he has worked in foreign country for years and he hasn't found his place in Hungary yet. He has a wife, who is a successful dentist but their marriage touches bottom nowadays. In the hospital the conductor and the doctor, who is a pretty, intelligent woman, fall in love. But there are a wife and a son ... Written by Kornel Osvart


  • Sztracsatella


  • 喜剧  


  • 匈牙利  


  • 匈牙利
  • 1996-02-15  1996


  • 1996年02月15日


  • 匈牙利


  • 匈牙利语
  • 声效 Dolby