Sigade revolutsioon



"Revolution of Pigs" is an adventurous youth comedy, taking place in a Woodstock-like milieu. The main character is Tanel, a 16-year-old boy, who, taking part of a youth revolt against the system, finds himself and his love. In summer 1986 five hundred 15- to 18-year-old young people, bursting with energy, have gathered into a camp beside a forest lake. They are looking forward to the coming three days, to the gathering of the Estonian pupils' summer brigades ; three days full of adventures, falling in love and party. But they are living in a totalitarian system and the energy of the youth is pressed into rigid frames of proper behaviour. The shocking sight of hundreds of rotten pigs that have carelessly been thrown into a hole behind the pig shed of the collective farm gives the youth an idea: what if they produce a performance called "Something is Rotten in this Country" in the coming competition in amateur arts. As a result of the performance a scandal follows and Tanel's team is dispersed. The youth disagree with the decision. The energy that has been blocked up is released and a revolt against injustice breaks out. In that night everything is allowed. The youth get naked, light torches and hoot in the darkness. They occupy the headquarters of the staff. The heads of the gathering try to find a compromise but the youth refuse to obey. In this night they are ready to go till the bitter end. They are even prepared to set themselves in fire. Parallel to this we can take part of Tanel's love story. Tanel has come to the gathering in the hope to meet there his girlfriend Diana and spend a night with her - their first night together. Pretending that she has to take care of a girlfriend, the Sun, who is seriously ill, Diana is unfaithful to Tanel. Diana is also unfaithful to the Sun, tricking her into a room, where a guy wants to rape her. Tanel and the Sun meet ; two souls that have been betrayed get together. It turns out that Diana has lied about Sun being ill, in order to avoid spending time with Tanel. Tanel feels good in Suns' company. Finally he feels free from the pain of the betrayed love. In the early morning help has come in order to get the youth out of the headquarters they have occupied ; collective farmers, equipped with tractors, have arrived. Suddenly a huge cloud of dust can be seen. Tanel and Sun have freed the pigs from the pig shed of the collective farm. Thousands of pigs, enjoying the freedom, run into the lake, knocking the farmers off their feet. In the headquarters of the staff, the youth are sleeping, hurdling together. Suns' head rests in Tanel's lap. Tanel opens his eyes. The militia cars are approaching from the forest. e7e Written by Anonymous


  • Sigade revolutsioon


  • 喜剧  


  • 爱沙尼亚  芬兰  


  • 摩洛哥
  • 2005-11-17  2005|美国
  • 2005-03-11  2005|匈牙利
  • 2004-12-11  2004|波兰
  • 2004-10-12  2004|韩国
  • 2004-10-08  2004|芬兰
  • 2004-09-20  2004|俄罗斯
  • 2004-06-20  2004|法国


  • 2004年06月20日


  • 俄罗斯


  • 爱沙尼亚语
  • 声效 数字化影院系统(DTS)


评审团特别奖获奖Jaak Kilmi Rene Reinumagi
评审团特别奖获奖Jaak Kilmi Rene Reinumagi