Assault and Matrimony



Silvia and Edgar have been married for a long time, but can't stand each other now. But a divorce would mean having to sell their dream house, which both of them want to keep. Instead they both secretly decide the answer is to kill the other. Written by Brian W Martz Edgar and Sylvia Chalmer's neighbor, Cyril, tells Edgar he's going to sell his house to a big "family" and move to the Caribbean, but the "family" will only buy his house if the Chalmers sell theirs too. Edgar likes the idea, because he can hardly afford the upkeep. But, after he tells Sylvia, she doesn't. Soon after they learn about each other's diverse views, they start trying to kill each other. Edgar tries to kill Sylvia so he can move to the Caribbean and Sylvia tries to kill Edgar so she can use his life insurance money to buy Cyril's house. Written by Keith Bowes


  • Assault and Matrimony


  • 喜剧  


  • 美国  


  • 美国
  • 1987-09-28  1987


  • 1987年09月28日


  • 美国


  • 英语
  • 声效 单声道(Mono)