"Azumanga daioh"
An animated series based off of the four panel managa of the same name, Azumanga Daioh is a whimsical, hilarious and very cute look at the lives of an ecclectic group of high school girls and their teachers at a Tokyo high school. As the series progresses, small bits of their lives are shown, slowly painting a bigger picture as the cast shares the ups and downs of high school life, revolving around a close-knit friendship and a lot of silliness. Written by Anonymous Azumanga Daioh, based on the 4-panel manga of the same name by Kiyohiko Azuma, is a charming and funny series that focuses on a group of girls - each with their own distinct personalities - at a high school in Japan. There's Chiyo, the adorable 10-year-old prodigy; Sakaki, the quiet girl who loves cute things but has trouble with a particularly vicious kitty; Tomo, the loud and energetic but untalented one; Kagura, a competitive and athletic girl; Yomi, the relatively level-headed member of the group; Kaorin, a shy girl with an unusual admiration for Sakaki; and Ayumu, a.k.a. "Osaka", a kind girl who just happens to always have her head in the clouds. The series also pays attention to a group of teachers at the school: Yukari, the English teacher with some rather juvenile tendencies; Minamo, Yukari's longtime friend/rival who teaches physical education; and Mr. Kimura, a creepy-looking, slack-jawed classic literature teacher who's not afraid to admit that he only became a teacher because he has a fetish for high school girls. Written by Anonymous