Mail author for translation. A film Solymosi Eszter titkok ovezte vizbefulasa es a tiszaeszlari per nyomdokaba ered. Egy zsido hegyi pasztor, Scharf Jozsef a kozak pogrom elol menekul a Monarchia teruletere. Ruszin es zsido favagok veszik gondozasba. Hersko David fogadja be a csaladjaba, egyutt ulik a husvetot. Mikor a fausztatok szokasos evi utjukra keszulodnek a Tiszan, egy holttest bukkan fol a vizen. A nyomozas soran Scharf fiat, Moricot betanitjak a zsidok elleni hamis tanuvallomasra. Written by Steve Varadi This is a movie concerning the trial of a group of Jewish men and women for the murder of a young Christian girl. Several of the men are tortured into making false confessions by the local magistrate, but the truth is finally revealed in the courtroom. Written by Anonymous