Fresh Kill



Two young lesbian parents, Shareen (Choudhury) and Claire (Erin McMurtry) are raising their five year old daughter Honey in a converted garage on Staten Island. Shareen salvages refuse with her pickup truck while Claire waits tables at the hip Naga Saki restaurant in Manhattan, caught up in a global exchange of industrial waste via contaminated sushi. As a ghost barge bearing nuclear refuse circles the planet in search of a willing port, household pets begin to glow ominously and then disappear; people start speaking in tongues. The crisis escalates when a multinational corporation is implicated, the couple's daughter Honey mysteriously vanishes, and a group of young New Yorkers strike back in an unlikely alliance with activists in the developing world. Written by Anonymous


  • Fresh Kill


  • 美国  


  • 加拿大
  • 1994-09-16  1994|葡萄牙
  • 1996-01-12  1996|美国
  • 2004-11-25  2004


  • 1994年09月16日


  • 加拿大


  • 英语
  • 声效 Dolby