Kald mig bare Aksel



Life is not easy when you are called Aksel and you're a Danish kid who loves meatballs. Especially when you would much rather want to be one of the cool muslim boys who wears those golden necklages and say cool stuff in Arabian. To worsen things, during the holidays Aksel gets teamed up with the two girls, Fatima and Annika, to perform a song to the local youth club's song contest, Melodi Grand Prix. The girls want to do a girly pop song, and the entire jury panel consist of muslim boys! Meanwhile the kids find a stray dog who needs a home. This leads to nothing but trouble, and one of the girls, Fatima, is grounded by her parents for the entire holiday season. Now she can't perform the song, and Aksel realizes he must take action! He enters an unknown world of rituals and cutural perceptions, and fixes everything in his own unique way. e98 Written by


  • Kald mig bare Aksel


  • 家庭  


  • 丹麦  


  • 美国
  • 2003-05-04  2003|挪威
  • 2003-04-30  2003|瑞典
  • 2003-03-25  2003|德国
  • 2003-02-08  2003|丹麦
  • 2002-09-27  2002


  • 2002年09月27日


  • 丹麦


  • 丹麦语