Interrupted Motion



Interrupted Motion starts with a young woman's quest for love and ends with the realization that happiness comes from internal and not external forces. The story unfolds with The Woman waking up from images of a past relationship. Six months prior, her long-term union with The Lover came to a crashing end as the ugly reality of love hits her right in the face. The Woman is not immune to hurt and somehow thought this love affair would be different? Was she to blame for these bad romances? The Lover and Woman part their ways; The Lover realizing his dishonesty and The Woman once again feeling the pain of untrue love. A chance encounter on the subway platform allows The Woman to meet a new stranger. As she sits on the platform, The Onlooker notices her. With a calm interplay of exchanges, the two strike up "conversation". This is not the last time these two strangers would meet. The Woman continues to struggle with the remnants of past relationships. Can she trust her impulses? Will she ever find the love that's within her heart? Meanwhile, the stranger from the train, The Onlooker, deals with the pangs of life- an alcoholic Mother and domineering Fiancée. The turning point for The Onlooker comes when an episode with The Mother's addiction gives him the strength to make life-altering changes. The Woman's change comes when she decides to leave the past behind and move on freeing herself of inner demons. By the conclusion of the film, the characters have reached a peak. Told in classic silent cinema style, Interrupted Motion involves a journey of mind, heart, and spirit. The biggest lesson learned is that the past can never change, however the future is always bright and ready for us to embrace it, free of any burden. Interrupted Motion, stars Colette Dennard, Sasha Guilliame Bonnie Dennis, David Roberts, and Nkechi Okoro. The movie marks the directorial debut of Mireille Shantale Maurice. The film features the latest single by Blaze, "Found Love" and tracks by the Khromsomes, vocalist Maritri and Linda Johnson. e96 Written by M. Shantale Maurice


  • Interrupted Motion


  • 短片  


  • 美国  


  • 英国
  • 2005-10-23  2005|美国
  • 2005-02-26  2005


  • 2005年02月26日


  • 美国


  • 英语
  • 声效 无声(Silent)