Chinaman's Chance



Steal a Cow: Jailed. Steal a Horse: Hanged. Kill a Chinaman: No Crime. You're Dred Scott Free. A Chinese Immigrant Railroad Worker is falsely accused of murdering a White woman, in the Violent 1870's. Can he survive with his East/West Humanity as America struggles with Expansion, Greed, Immigration, Racial Intolerance and Christian Bigotry? Written by Aki Leonard Gonzales Aleong 159 Looking at an Emerging 1870's America, through the eyes of a Chinese Immigrant falsely accused of murdering a white woman, who is viciously hunted down. Can he prove his innocence? In a time when people of Color had "No Legal Rights" and could be bought and sold for a profit, while we examine the roots of our past. ea5 Written by Aki Leonard Gonzales Aleong


  • Chinaman's Chance


  • 动作  历史  西部  


  • 美国  


  • 英语