Sacred Ground



SACRED GROUND tells the fact-based story of a mountain man and his Indian wife who happen upon a partially built cabin and finish it for their own home, not realizing that they occupy a sacred burial ground. A Paiute burial party clashes with the couple and in the ensuing skirmish, the wife is critically wounded while in the middle of childbirth. Bitter over her loss and needing a wetnurse for his baby, he steals one of the Paiute woman who had just lost a baby. In this modern version of Helen of Troy, the battle is on, as he takes on the whole band in a desperate attempt to survive. Written by Dale Roloff Plot Synopsis: This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis


  • Sacred Ground


  • 美国  


  • 美国
  • 1983-03-11  1983


  • 1983年03月11日


  • 美国


  • 英语
  • 声效 立体声(Stereo)