West Beyrouth



In April, 1975, civil war breaks out; Beirut is partitioned along a Moslem-Christian line. Tarek is in high school, making Super 8 movies with his friend, Omar. At first the war is a lark: school has closed, the violence is fascinating, getting from West to East is a game. His mother wants to leave; his father refuses. Tarek spends time with May, a Christian, orphaned and living in his building. By accident, Tarek goes to an infamous brothel in the war-torn Olive Quarter, meeting its legendary madam, Oum Walid. He then takes Omar and May there using her underwear as a white flag for safe passage. Family tensions rise. As he comes of age, the war moves inexorably from adventure to tragedy. Written by


  • West Beyrouth


  • 法国  挪威  黎巴嫩  比利时  


  • 瑞典
  • 2005-04-16  2005|美国
  • 2000-04-14  2000|英国
  • 1999-09-03  1999|新西兰
  • 1999-07-23  1999|西班牙
  • 1999-07-10  1999|意大利
  • 1999-03-26  1999|瑞士
  • 1999-03-05  1999|法国


  • 1999年03月05日


  • 瑞士


  • 阿拉伯语
  • 法语
  • 声效 Dolby