Dev is the saga of Dev and Tej's friendship, a bond stronger than blood ties in which Farhaan emerges as the wedge driving them apart. The story unfolds against the vitiated atmosphere of present times where innocent lives become fodder for political expediency. The spark of terrorist violence unknowingly set off by Farhaan under the aegis of the corrupt politician Latif engulfs the whole city in its flames. Tej transgresses beyond the boundaries of law in his passion to eliminate anti-national crime. Dev is faced with the spectre of the tragic human cost and a moral compulsion to act. The stakes rise beyond self-interest. Dev and Tej are set on a path of dramatic collision. Even as Dev and Farhaan's fate gets irreversibly linked, two soldiers whose allegiance may be to different causes but admiration for each other's courage and integrity brings them together. d06 Written by annonymous On a train bound for Bombay from Surat, a Police Inspector questions a young man named Farhaan, who has just obtained his law degree, for his reason to go to Bombay, and whether he has any alliance with Pakistanis. Farhaan answers that he is going to Bombay to live with his father, and he does not know anyone from Pakistan. Farhaan finds out that Bombay Police have been targeting the Muslim community, and in the name of fighting terrorism, have been killing innocent Muslim men, women and children. He comes to know that Joint Commissioner of Police, Dev Pratap Singh, is involved in this witch-hunt, and he would like to kill him. Farhaan joins hands with the local Muslim political leader, Latif, and he is provided training in handling guns, and is subsequently made ready for this task. Unfortunately, Farhaan is unable to kill Dev, who escapes unhurt, albeit a little shaken. Chief Minister Bhandarkar views this incident seriously, and instructs the police to root out terrorist elements in the city, which they do so ruthlessly. Farhaan is told to deliver a package to a man near a Hindu temple, and he does so. While at a stop to buy some snacks, the package explodes, killing several people. Since this incident occurred near a Hindu temple, a right-wing political party member, Mangal Rao, organizes a wave of riots against the Muslim community. Riots take place, and the police are instructed to observe and not prevent the violence. As a result, hundreds are killed. Latif organizes his men to target and attack Hindus and Hindu establishments, rendering the region unsafe, with people being killed in the name of religion. When Hindus and Muslims have had enough, they publicly ask for peace, it is only then Latif and Mangal Rao agree on a truce, on the condition that no Muslim male, female or child will file a FIR (First Information Report) in any police station, to which Latif agrees. Latif then warns everyone in the Muslim community not to complain against anyone. Period. It is then Farhaan finds out that he has been treated as a pawn by Latif, and decides to trust Dev and become an informer. But will Dev trust a man who just attempted to kill him? And will Latif and Mangal Rao join forces to eliminate Farhaan, who now has become a liability to both sides. Written by rAjOo (gunwanti@hotmail.com)