Kristin Rateliff

剧情:  1998年,对于全球的“星战迷”来说,就连空气里都弥漫着兴奋到要爆炸的高涨情绪,因为让他们千呼万唤了15年的星球大战前传一:魅影危机,即将在第二年揭开它神秘的面纱……所有的人似乎都在渴望着新一集“星战”影片的公映,但是对于埃里克(萨姆・亨廷顿饰)、莱纳斯(克里斯・马奎特饰)、哈彻(丹・福勒饰)和文多斯(杰伊・巴鲁切尔饰)来说,“星战迷”已经不仅仅只是一个称谓那么简单了,它更像是一种荣誉的象征,在那些死忠的星战怪人看来,星球大战系列作品就等于一切,几乎已经超越了电影对人类思维可能会产生的所有影响,甚至包括他们的生活方式。   在接连受到让人无法忍耐的等待以及对他们所敬仰的理想不朽的忠诚的刺激之后,这4个在高中的时候曾是好友的年轻人,决定重新聚首在一起,围绕着那个让他们如此迷恋的一切展开一场公路之旅,穿越整个美国,就为了能够亲自拜访只属于他们的圣地--乔治・卢卡斯的“天行者牧场”。他们的计划是,闯进去之后把电影偷出来,然后以在影片上映之前就提前观瞻的第一批影迷的身份,达成他们口中的“圆满”,同时也稳固了他们在所有的星战迷中间的“名人堂”的地位……然而,让他们没有想到的是,在这个过程中,他们不得不和一群古怪的自行车手、疯狂的皮条客和精神错乱的“星际家族”展开竞争,同时还得处理威廉・夏特纳那过于冷酷的沉静所带给他们的紧迫的压力。
剧情:2006 sundance film festival come early morning opens with lucy (ashley judd) waking up in the morning at a hotel in bed with a guy whose name she does not know. we soon learn this is normal for her. lucy lives in a small town in the south, does a fine job helping oversee construction projects, drives an old pick-up truck, shares a small house with a roommate (laura prepon, from that 70s show), dutifully takes care of her aging relatives, is estranged from her father, regularly visits the one bar in town, drinks a lot and gets sloppy drunk and sleeps with strangers. the plot is a little predictable―lucy meets a guy and he hopes to help her out of this cycle and that proves to be rough on both of them and the relationship almost falls apart but then just before the credits roll they reconcile and i think everyone lives happily ever after. written and directed by joey lauren adams (the memorable alyssa from chasing amy), come early morning is a reflection of her southern baptist upbringing and was shot in locations that were personal to her. ashley judd is excellent in the film and the supporting cast includes such veteran talents as tim blake nelson, stacy keach and diane ladd, not to mention another southern boy, ray mckinnon, who plays a local holy roller preacher. while not a great film, it was a warm, entertaining and well-produced movie that told a genuine story about a complex character caught in an ugly rut. it also has a wonderful soundtrack, although its not clear how much of that will survive when they have to pay for the rights for national release. tidbits from the sundance qampa joey lauren adams was frank and refreshing. she said she did the movie because she wasnt getting any good acting opportunities and realized she needed to do something in her life besides hang out. the bar thats featured in the movie is the same one she goes to when she visits her home town, and one of the houses featured is owned by her grandparents, i think.