Wally Welch

剧情:2006 sundance film festival come early morning opens with lucy (ashley judd) waking up in the morning at a hotel in bed with a guy whose name she does not know. we soon learn this is normal for her. lucy lives in a small town in the south, does a fine job helping oversee construction projects, drives an old pick-up truck, shares a small house with a roommate (laura prepon, from that 70s show), dutifully takes care of her aging relatives, is estranged from her father, regularly visits the one bar in town, drinks a lot and gets sloppy drunk and sleeps with strangers. the plot is a little predictable―lucy meets a guy and he hopes to help her out of this cycle and that proves to be rough on both of them and the relationship almost falls apart but then just before the credits roll they reconcile and i think everyone lives happily ever after. written and directed by joey lauren adams (the memorable alyssa from chasing amy), come early morning is a reflection of her southern baptist upbringing and was shot in locations that were personal to her. ashley judd is excellent in the film and the supporting cast includes such veteran talents as tim blake nelson, stacy keach and diane ladd, not to mention another southern boy, ray mckinnon, who plays a local holy roller preacher. while not a great film, it was a warm, entertaining and well-produced movie that told a genuine story about a complex character caught in an ugly rut. it also has a wonderful soundtrack, although its not clear how much of that will survive when they have to pay for the rights for national release. tidbits from the sundance qampa joey lauren adams was frank and refreshing. she said she did the movie because she wasnt getting any good acting opportunities and realized she needed to do something in her life besides hang out. the bar thats featured in the movie is the same one she goes to when she visits her home town, and one of the houses featured is owned by her grandparents, i think.
剧情:   作为一家较为着名的卡车公司的销售代理,乔安娜·米尔斯(萨拉·米歇尔·盖拉)凭借其颇为努力的工作已经天生的敬业精神,在事业上称得上是小有成就。但同样的天生倔强的性格却使得这位典型的职业女性在家庭和爱情等私生活方面却不是那么的一帆风顺。     乔安娜·米尔斯始终在一些陈年旧事的纠缠下不能和自己的生身父亲埃德·米尔斯(山姆·谢帕德)好好的做在一起沟通一下,两人长期的冷战状态,使得家里毫无温情可言。另外,还有一个总是和自己纠缠不清的前男友科特·塞茨尔(亚当·斯科特),朋友也少得可怜。     最糟糕的是,最近,乔安娜每当在睡觉的时候都会被一些灵异的梦境所困扰,所有这些梦都是有关一起残忍的凶杀案,被害的女子她从没有见过,而且她发现自己将是那嗜杀成性凶手的下一个目标。   惊恐万分的乔安娜,决定变被动为主动,凭借自己梦境中提供的种种线索彻底找出现实中可能存在的凶手…… ====================================================  25岁的乔安娜·迈尔斯(萨拉·米歇尔·盖拉)是一家运输公司的销售代理,虽然事业有成,但私生活却一团糟--不仅与父亲(萨姆·谢帕德)疏远,刚分手的前男友个性偏执、最近更是跟踪她不放,而且因为性格强硬好胜,乔安娜甚至没有几个知心好友。    不知从何时开始,乔安娜开始夜夜被噩梦惊醒,在梦中,她亲眼目睹一桩残忍的谋杀案,但被杀的女子她却从没见过。一夜复一夜,她渐渐觉出凶手是个残忍无比的连环杀手,而令人惊恐无比的影像甚至在日常生活中也对她缠绕不放,她开始出现幻觉、偏头痛,不断见到甚至感觉到异象。    时时觉得自己的人生已经失控的乔安娜决定反击,于是顺着噩梦的指引找到了被杀女子的故乡--德克萨斯州一个小镇。到了小镇之后,乔安娜更是觉得与那里有着说不清道不明的联系。被埋葬的秘密即将被揭开,15年前小镇上一场血腥的谋杀似乎与她有着千丝万缕的联系,而乔安娜很可能就是凶手的下一个目标……  看点:尖叫女王继续惊悚    初看萨拉·米歇尔·盖拉,人们实在很难理解这位阳光灿烂甜美可人的美女怎么年纪轻轻就被冠上了“尖叫女王”的头衔,不过看看她的履历--《我知道你去年夏天干了什么》之后《夺命狂呼2》,七季《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》,两轮《咒怨》缠身,也难怪盖拉能得到另眼青睐了。这位钟爱超自然现象的尖叫女王自认喜欢吓人,也曾高兴地宣布自己喜欢被惊吓,且有一群庞大而忠实的影迷,所以选择新片时,她也大多继续惊悚恐怖,当然,内容总是越新鲜越好。    因此,这次,搭上《训练日》和《死亡幻觉》的制片,盖拉成了喜欢虐待自己身体、每夜做着真实的吓人噩梦的强势女人。至于到底是谋杀案重演,冤魂不散还是恐怖臆想,影片自然要卖个关子。因为笃信佛教和生命轮回,盖拉对影片中的可能性少不了几分畏惧,不过真让她“惊恐”的却是在奥斯汀拍摄时遇到的“巨型杀人蚁”,被疯狂袭击的阴影至今还没完全恢复。 
剧情: 乔(马修·佩里饰)是个不得志的小律师,由于和律师楼里的同事和领导处不好关系,再加上他自己干事情又懒懒散散的,所以现在他只能干一些给客户递送法律文件的工作了。眼下,他又接到一项差事:给住在纽约的莎拉(伊丽莎白·赫利饰)递送离婚用的法律文件。   莎拉接到乔送来的文件后惊呆了,因为它压根没想到远在德州的丈夫戈登(布鲁斯·坎贝尔饰)会要求和自己离婚,其实戈登是一个见异思迁的好色之徒,他在德克萨斯州经营着一个牧场,十分赚钱,现在他有了新欢,于是决定和莎拉离婚。德州的法律比较保守,如果戈登能够把文件先递送给莎拉他就会得到更多好处,而依据纽约的法律规定,如果莎拉能够把文件先递送给戈登则莎拉可以得到更多好处。这样,目前形势就对莎拉很不利了。   不过莎拉也不是省油的灯,她马上想到一个主意:让乔帮助她把文件反过来递送给戈登,这样她就能赢得主动。莎拉答应乔,事成之后她会给他一大笔钱。经过短暂的犹豫后,乔答应了,两人于是踏上前往德克萨斯的旅途。   与此同时,戈登接到了乔的老板的警告,知道妻子正在赶来,情况不大妙,托尼接受委托成了阻止乔和莎拉递送文件的人,一场追逐和报复的戏上演了,乔和莎拉在旅途中自然也产生了感情……