- 2015年
- 2006年
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- 1997年
故事紧接着94年《星际之门》电影版之后发生的,星际之门自上次O'Neill 上尉他们返回之后就一直未启用,突然有一天星际之门无故自行开启了,从星际之门走出来的是一伙全副武装的外星人,故事就由此展开。
为了追查事件的根源并探索未知的世界,掌握星门的美国空军组建了许多支星门小分队,《星际之门:SG-1》的主角就是他们中最早也是精锐的一支:SG-1!跟随SG-1小队的四个性格各异、特色鲜明的精英级队员——幽默风趣的队长Jack O'Neill、考古专家兼古文字天才Daniel Jackson、美女物理学家Samantha Carter、以及富于反抗和自由精神的外星壮汉Teal'c,观众们将与之一道游历茫茫星海的诸多星球,感受一次次紧张刺激的武装探险,以及,一场场险象环生的危机事件。
This sequel to the 1994 movie Stargate chronicles the further adventures of SGC (Stargate Command). It turned out that the Goa'uld Ra was only one of many alien System Lords who used the Stargates to conquer much of the universe. When Earth uncovers a working cartouche to decipher the coding system of Earth's stargate, they can now travel anywhere. Earth's military sends out SG teams to explore new planets, find technology, and oppose the Goa'uld. Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson from the movie are part of SG-1. They are joined by Sam Carter, a scientist, and Teal'c, a Jaffa who is convinced the Goa'uld are not gods. After Daniel Jackson was temporarily killed off in Season 6 (when actor Michael Shanks left the show for a year) they brought in Jonas Quinn, a scientist from another planet, to take Jackson's place. In Season 9, Jack O'Neill left the team and was replaced by Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell as team leader.
- 1996年
- 1995年