Rick Dial

剧情:2006 sundance film festival come early morning opens with lucy (ashley judd) waking up in the morning at a hotel in bed with a guy whose name she does not know. we soon learn this is normal for her. lucy lives in a small town in the south, does a fine job helping oversee construction projects, drives an old pick-up truck, shares a small house with a roommate (laura prepon, from that 70s show), dutifully takes care of her aging relatives, is estranged from her father, regularly visits the one bar in town, drinks a lot and gets sloppy drunk and sleeps with strangers. the plot is a little predictable―lucy meets a guy and he hopes to help her out of this cycle and that proves to be rough on both of them and the relationship almost falls apart but then just before the credits roll they reconcile and i think everyone lives happily ever after. written and directed by joey lauren adams (the memorable alyssa from chasing amy), come early morning is a reflection of her southern baptist upbringing and was shot in locations that were personal to her. ashley judd is excellent in the film and the supporting cast includes such veteran talents as tim blake nelson, stacy keach and diane ladd, not to mention another southern boy, ray mckinnon, who plays a local holy roller preacher. while not a great film, it was a warm, entertaining and well-produced movie that told a genuine story about a complex character caught in an ugly rut. it also has a wonderful soundtrack, although its not clear how much of that will survive when they have to pay for the rights for national release. tidbits from the sundance qampa joey lauren adams was frank and refreshing. she said she did the movie because she wasnt getting any good acting opportunities and realized she needed to do something in her life besides hang out. the bar thats featured in the movie is the same one she goes to when she visits her home town, and one of the houses featured is owned by her grandparents, i think.
剧情:  故事发生在60年代初期的德克萨斯州,14岁的沃尔特(海利·乔·奥斯蒙特 饰)有两个非比寻常的伯父,他们生活在德克萨斯州的乡下,那里可以说是沃尔特最不愿意去的地方,不料,刚放暑假的他就被母亲玫(凯拉·塞吉威克 饰)从家里赶了出来,一向单身的玫要和新男友过甜蜜的二人生活,所以才把儿子沃尔特送到遥远的乡下。小小年纪的沃尔特,只得收拾简单的行李,去和两个疯子般的老男人度过他一直期待的快乐暑假,要等到母亲来接他,沃尔特才能解脱出来。   性格古怪、脾气粗暴的哈勃(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 饰)和加斯·迈肯(迈克尔·凯恩 饰),就是沃尔特乡下农场的两个伯父,传说他们两个曾经是银行抢劫犯,犯案后黑手党把他们藏了起来,甚至在他们年轻的时候还参加过战争。   这些虚实难辨的谣传令人难以捉摸,可以肯定的是,哈勃和加斯·迈肯似乎总能从神秘渠道获得需要的现金。有一次,沃尔特在一个木箱子里找到了一张加斯·迈肯年轻时和一个美丽女人在一起的照片,他好奇的问老伯父,照片里的漂亮女人是谁?   渐渐的,老伯父们向沃尔特讲起了他们年轻时的故事,那时候德克萨斯州还处在一个混乱的年代。这些故事深深吸引了小沃尔特,他幻想着那些故事里色彩丰富的画面,男人们骑在马上奔驰,用手中的剑去捍卫自己的生存,博得美丽少女的芳心,他的两个伯父是那时叱咤风云的英雄,经历着人们只能在梦中才能看到的冒险日子。   老伯父们的往事,无意中使小沃尔特发现了看世界的另一道门,一个充满真正冒险的新天地。老伯父丰富的人生阅历,深深地影响了小沃尔特,使他看到了一个人们崇尚尊敬和勇敢甚于金钱和权力的不同世界。同样的,通过给侄儿讲述自己年轻时的故事,哈勃和加斯开始用新的视角看待自己的人生,并且重新找到了老年生活的快乐……