
  • 姓名林英文
  • 性别
  • 职业演员

顾城别恋The poet
小亲亲AndIhate you so
12夜Twelve nights
小生作反Give me back
马来亚狂恋My love in Malaya
轰天皇家将Angel terminators
谁敢动我Dare you touch me
杀夫Thewoman of wrath
特异女朋友Wonder girlfriend
地狱来客Stranger from hell
停不了的爱Everlasting love
中华英雄A man called Hero
我爱唐人街What a small world
双珠凤Pearl phoenix
双镯Thetwin bracelets
原振侠与卫斯理The seventh curse
君子好逑The other side of gentleman
十五亿杀人网络Web of deception
凶咒Bloody sorcery
叠影惊情The black morning glory
卖命Thelife for sale
冷血红番Green killer
神剑魔剑Magic swords
龙虎风云The ill wind
骗术奇谭The legends of cheating
聊斋艳谭续集五通神Erotic ghost story II
卫斯理之老猫The cat
刘明珠三审玉芝兰A pair of carved jade
监狱不设防Jail house eros
新婚夫妇The newlyweds
神算Themagic touch
花心梦里人Dream of desire
东方不败风云再起The east is red
呷醋大丈夫Goodbye darling
奸人本色Who is the craftiest
半暹降Devil sorcery
文武香球Twin charms
小冤家Love vs love
十面埋伏A punch to revenge
狂风之夜The stormy night