
  • 姓名祖康
  • 性别
  • 职业演员
  • 国家中国香港

郎变了Theungroteful one
辛十四娘The 14th daughter of hsin family
亲情Knotted love
双龙屠虎= Two dragons fight against tiger
西施HsiShih beauty of beauties
银箫玉剑翠玉狮Moonlight sword & jade lion
状元及第Trouble on the wedding night
虎山行Escorts over tiger hills
双龙谷=Valley of the Double Dragon
恨你入骨I hate you deeply
龙虎风云The ill wind
千王斗千后The gambler's duel
神拳三壮士Spiritual fists
铜头铁臂Bronze head and steel arm
翠岗浴血记Bloodshed on the Green Hills
烟雨斜阳Haze in the sunset
茶山情歌The voice of love
喋血贩马场Time is running short
神狐鬼侠The fairy fox and ghost
洞房奇谭Adventure of first night
古墓侠侣The heroic couple from the ancient tomb
女侠飞红巾The red scarf