
  • 姓名刘伟民
  • 性别
  • 职业演员
  • 国家中国香港

胜者为王Born to be king
唔该借歪Don't look back... or you'll be sorry!!
古惑女2 Sexy and dangerous 2
月亮的秘密When I fall in love... with both
公元2000 2000AD
花心萝卜Playboy doctor
卧虎藏龙Crouching tiger, hidden dragon
越轨迷情= Inspiration nightmare
情债Therapist beckons
逃出珊瑚海Escape from coral cove
有儿万事足When a child is born
风流小子What to do without love
中华英雄A man called Hero
杀杀人,跳跳舞Ballistic kiss
伟哥的故事Mr. Wai-go
杭州王爷The lord of Hangzhou
每天爱您8小时Your place or mine!
行运一条龙The lucky guy
生命揸fit人= The boss up there
幻影特攻Hot war
小小小警察Little cop
上海之夜Shanghai blues
O记三合会档案The HK triad story
惊天大贼王Operation billionaires
龙在江湖A true mob story
战狼传说Legend of the wolf
赌侠1999 The conman
豪门夜宴The banquet
新恋爱世纪Love generation Hong Kong
新古惑仔之少年激鬪篇Young & dangerous : the prequel
愈堕落愈英雄Cheap killers
黑马王子Prince charming
9To3靓女登场9 To 3
草木皆兵Alarm conscious
灵幻先生Mr. Vampire Part III
霹雳大喇叭Where's officer tuba
霸王花Theinspector wears skirts
龙城正月Dragon Town City
庙街十二少The prince of Temple Street
杀手蝴蝶梦My heart is that eternal rose
专撬墙脚The perfect wife
福星高照My lucky stars
碧波仙侣A mermaid's love
鬼线人Theghost informer
爱上百份百英雄We're no bad guys
皇家战士Royal warriors
为你钟情For your heart only
夜惊魂Helives by night
妖兽都市The wicked city
好夫妻Agood couple
少爷威威Play catch
天使行动III之魔女末日Angel III
不准掉头No u-turn
十五亿杀人网络Web of deception
大破白莲教White Lotus
终极危情Final target
刁禽双绝Invincible kungfu
档案X杀人犯The hunted hunter
风云八千里= Those Kungfu-men from Peking
黄飞鸿之铁鸡斗蜈蚣Last hero in China
赌圣2之街头赌圣The saint of gamblers
鸿运当头Lifeline express
柠檬可乐Teenage dreamers
僵尸先生Mr. Vampire
百变星君Sixty million dollar man
恋爱的天空Modern romance
旺角卡门As tears go by
卫斯理之霸王卸甲Bury me high
轰天龙虎会China white
池女Massage girls
双龙会Twin dragons
风云雄霸天下The stormriders
红灯区Street angels
临时演员Small potatoes
龙凤贼捉贼Licence to steal
龙虎风云City on fire
龙的传人Legend of the dragon
龙之家族The dragon family
人细鬼大之3个Handsup的少年Growing up
98古惑仔龙争虎斗Young and dangerous V
方世玉Fong Sai Yuk
横财三千万The thirty million rush
强尸至尊The ultimate vampire
赌王King of gambler
金屋梦Awell to do family
柳暗花明Dawn of new hopes
神拳三壮士Spiritual fists
庙街故事Mean Street story
情窦初开First love
鼠胆龙威High risk
电影故事The story of movie
雷霆扫穴Red shield
五亿探长雷洛传(雷老虎) Lee Rock
最佳拍档之女皇密令Aces go places III - Our man from Bond Street
灭门惨案之孽杀Daughter of darkness
新难兄难弟He ain't heavy, he's my father
新边缘人To live and die in Tsim Sha Tsui
第一茧Thefirst is the last time
异域Ahome too far
新碧血剑The sword stained with royal blood
搭错车Papa, can you hear me sing?
爱情amoeba Love : amoeba style
密杀令=Thewarrant of assasination
爱人同志Stars & roses
慈禧秘密生活Lover of the last empress
国产雪蛤威龙Combo cops
黑狱断肠歌之砌生猪肉Chinese midnight express
黄飞鸿之四王者之风Once upon a time in China IV
黄飞鸿之三狮王争霸Once upon a time in China III
超级学校霸王Future cops
神行太保News attack
童党之街头霸王Gangs '92
烈女春香Girl martyr
浮世恋曲To liv(e)
港督最后一个保镳Bodyguards of last governor
富贵列车The millionaires' express
喜宝Thestory of Hay Bo
最佳拍档大显神通Aces go places II
凌晨晚餐Vampire's breakfast
追女仔Chasing girls
追女仔95之绮梦Romantic dream
逃学英雄传Truant heroes
香港制造Made in Hong Kong
香港沦陷1941 Hong Kong on fire
香港奇案之强奸Raped by an angel
飞虎雄心2之傲气比天高Best of the best
风雨断肠人Broken heart
风雨同路The unmatchable match
重庆森林Chung King express
重案组Crime story
红粉至尊Queen's high
洗黑钱Tiger cage II
洪兴仔之江湖大风暴War of the under world
春到海滨A seaside village
客途秋恨Song of the exile
叛逆情缘Faithfully yours
勇闯天下Rebel from China
青春1000日The pure and the evil
阿飞正传Days of being wild
花旗少林Treasure hunt
花心三剑侠Unfaithfully yours
东邪西毒Ashes of time
射雕英雄传之东成西就The eagle shooting heroes dong cheng xi jiu
朋党Against all
怪谈协会Till death do us laugh
夜夜伴肥娇Changing partner
夜半无人尸语时Step into the dark
咖喱辣椒Curry and pepper
亚飞与亚基:错在黑社会的日子The days of being dumb
我是一个贼Legendary couple
宋家皇朝The Soong sisters
伴我闯天涯Wild search
伴我纵横Rhythm of destiny
至尊无上II之永霸天下Casino raiders II
至尊三十六计之偷天换日Perfect exchange
百份百感觉Feel 100%
百份百啱FEEL Feel 100%......once more
江湖接班人Hero of tomorrow
合珠记Pearl's reconciliation
再战江湖Return engagement
再生人Life after life
伙头福星Shogun & little kitchen
正牌韦小宝之奉旨沟女Hero - beyond the boundary of time
打工皇帝Working class
平安夜Thenight caller
古惑仔之人在江湖Young and dangerous
古惑仔2之猛龙过江Young and dangerous 2
古惑仔3之只手遮天Young and dangerous 3
包公三审血掌印Bloody palm prints
火鸳鸯Thewild couple
方世玉续集Fong Sai Yuk II
五亿探长雷洛传II之父子情仇Lee Rock II
不道德的礼物I'm your birthday cake
十面埋伏A punch to revenge
人皮灯笼Ghost lantern
97家有喜事All's well end's well '97
97古惑仔战无不胜Young and dangerous IV
92霸王花与霸王花The inspector wear skirts IV
92黑玫瑰对黑玫瑰92 the legendary la rose noire
666魔鬼复活Satan returns