彩云飞TheYoung Ones
国歌TheNational Anthem
阴间响马,吹鼓吹The digger, for whom the suona blows
欢天喜地Happiness and joy
乌龙行大运Lucky by chance
天生一对The funny couple
大通缉令The big raid
马来亚狂恋My love in Malaya
风铃,风铃Love rings a bell
甘罗拜相= Kan Luu, the boy-minister
爱有明天Love in the shadow
龙城正月Dragon Town City
虎山行Escorts over tiger hills
梁红玉Lady general red jade
大哥大续集Fatal recall
夺命阎罗Thunder storm sword
乌龙大追杀= The hot pursuit
朱洪武续集刘伯温传A story of "Lou Bo-Wen"
朱洪武TsuHong Wu
大明英烈Heroes in late Ming Dynasty
玻璃之城City of glass
撞板风流Naughty couple
鼠胆龙威High risk
记得香蕉成熟时III为妳钟情Yesterday you, yesterday me III
宋家皇朝The Soong sisters
完全结婚手册The wedding days
死囚=Death trap
可怜天下父母心The great devotion
文武香球Twin charms
天涯海角Lost and found
六合八法The six directions boxing
大轮回Thewheel of life