国歌TheNational Anthem
甘凤池与吕四娘The story of Kam Fung-chi and Fourth Madam Lui
血誓Blood oath
清宫剑影录(上集) Musketeers in Qing Palace, part one
七十二家房客Those 72 tenants
家在台北Home sweet home
黄飞鸿大闹花灯Wong Fei-hung and the lantern festival disturbance
档案X杀人犯The hunted hunter
刮龙搏懵No money no talk
抢闸新娘A funny bride
猴子兵华山救驾The grateful monkey
无敌鸳鸯剑The matchless pair swords
喋血风云Return to action
卿何薄命The ill-fated girl
后窗Backyard adventures
初生之犊Fearless match
武侠七公主Holy weapon
朋党Against all
夜祭金娇Paying nocturnal sacrifice to Kam-kiu
西楚霸王之楚汉争霸The great conqueror's concubine part II
女大女世界The independent daughter
八仙闹东海The fighting of the eight gods in the East Sea
财来自有方Money will find its way to come