大清炮队The imperial cannon team
大毛见小毛Little thing means a lot
非梦奇缘The random harvest
孽缘Doomed love
还我河山Re-conquer the fatherland
真金不怕红炉火Action speaks louder than words
黑夜奇冤An unusual crime at night
黑心鬼Mother's love
棺材精生仔The unknown corpse
夜光杯(大结局) The magic cup, concluding episode
夜光杯Themagic cup, part one
白鹤英雄传The white crane hero
险过剃头A hairbreath escape
错有错着Two wrongs make a right
乔老爷上花轿When the bride becomes the groom
合珠记Pearl's reconciliation