开国大典Founding ceremony
酒色财气Wine, women and money
半下流社会Halfway down
夜半歌声续集Mid-nightmare, the sequel
秋瑾Thedawn of China\'s revolution
空中小姐Air hostess
小凤仙General Chai and lady balsam
蛇女思凡Golden city pagoda
长相思Love\'s longing
西游记Journey to the west
仙国奇缘Fairyland romance
夜半惊魂The horrible night
新玉堂春The love of Susan
笑声泪痕Humiliation for sale
风雨桃花村Storm in the Peach Blossom Village
豪门孽债The insulted and injured
红楼魔影A shadow over the chateau
珊瑚Torrents of desire
流莺曲Song of the nightingale
金莲花Golden lotus
百花公主Flower Princess
玉女情仇A woman\'s revenge
女儿心Sweet seventeen
条条大路Big road
虎落平阳The tiger and the dog