龙兄虎弟The Invasion
一代英豪Hero of the time
网上怪谈Internet ghost stories 990714.com
爱滋初体验Tender heart
春桃Chun Tao
周恩来Zhou Enlai
大红灯笼高高挂Raise the red lantern
生命揸fit人= The boss up there
银纸万岁Long live money
靓妹正传No regret
盲侠之再踏江湖A step to heaven
隐身大法师= Skin lantern
玻璃之城City of glass
表姐妳玩嘢The queen of gamble
纵横四海Once a thief
算死草Lawyer lawyer
甜蜜蜜Comrades, almost a love story
抢闸妈咪The meaning of life
鬼咬鬼Encounter of the spooky kind 2
云岗游侠Raiders of Yunkang Caves
唐手跆拳道= The crush
香江花月夜Hong Kong graffiti
飞女正传Teddy girls
瑶池鸳鸯Lovers in paradise
股疯Shanghai fever
男人女人= Love affairs
尖东老泥妹之四大天后Girls gang
四个32A和一个香蕉少年Those were the days
火烧岛Island of fire
Beyond日记之莫欺少年穷Beyond's diary
锦绣天堂Heavenly souls
荡妇心Aforgotten woman
说谎世界Awful truth
王氏四侠Fury in their heart
火凤凰Thefiery phoenix