人间蒸发The dark rose
教头发威The master strikes back
皇家大贼Danger has two faces
花街时代My name ain't Suzie
天使出更Carry on doctors and nurses
六指琴魔Demon of the lute
囍宴thewedding banquet
日劫Descendant of the sun
猛鬼食人胎The demon's baby
杀妻2人组100 ways to murder your wife
鬼新娘Spiritual love
杭州王爷The lord of Hangzhou
江湖情Rich and famous
再恋负心人Another chance for love
打工狂想曲Gift from heaven
心猿意马The accident
人民英雄People's hero
紫雨风暴Purple storm
替枪老豆Let's have a baby
宝莲灯Magic lotus lantern
操行零分Conduct zero
冲天小子Path of glory
庙街十二少The prince of Temple Street
原振侠与卫斯理The seventh curse
俾鬼捉Theghost snatchers
苦海孤雏The orphans
青春差馆Young cops
雨夜惊魂The stormy night
我要富贵My dear son
你情我愿My will, I will
再起风云The last duel
心灵深处Deep in my soul
燃情男狙击Heart of killer
逃学外传To miss with love
撞邪先生Mr. Possessed
七七事变The Lu Gou Qiao Incident
僵尸福星仔Vampire kids
天若有情II之天长地久A moment of romance II
魔画情Fantasy romance
摄氏32度Beyond hypothermia
风云雄霸天下The stormriders
龙的传人Legend of the dragon
龙在少林Dragon from Shaolin
公子多情The greatest lover
整蛊王Tricky business
缘份Behind the yellow line
莫忘今宵Forget not tonight
暴劫倾情Scarred memory
广东五虎之铁拳无敌孙中山The tigers - the legend of Canton
哗!英雄What a hero!
舞牛Dancing bull
福禄双星Lucky stars
漫画奇侠A tale from the East
情圣Themagnificent scoundrels
新半斤八両Front page
爱情色香味Love recipe
爱人同志Stars & roses
国产凌凌漆From Beijing with love
黄金岛历险记Adventurous Treasure Island
神经刀与飞天猫Flying dagger
破坏之王Love on delivery
唐伯虎点秋香Flirting scholar
追女仔95之绮梦Romantic dream
夜之女Night girls
血腥Friday Bloody Friday
省港旗兵(续集) Long arm of the law - sage II
青春1000日The pure and the evil
明月照尖东With or without you
夜半2点钟02:00 AM
两厢情愿The killer's love
男女方程式The little cute fellow
我在黑社会的日子Triads the inside story
妖魔道Devil's vendetta
吉屋藏娇Guests in the house
再见王老五The bachelor's swan song
日落卡门The street car named desire
太子传说No more love no more death
中环英雄Don't fool me
中国最后一个太监<第二章>告别紫禁城The twilight of the Forbidden City
不文小丈夫The wildgoose chase
女黑侠黄莺Deadly dream woman
三狼奇案Sentenced to hang
刀剑笑Thethree swordmen
一千零一夜之梦中人Dream lover