雷剑水上飞The cruel sword
郎变了Theungroteful one
唔该借歪Don't look back... or you'll be sorry!!
月亮的秘密When I fall in love... with both
我爱罗兰度I love Lolanto
风流冤鬼Sex beyond the grave
刘进忠反潮州Revolt to the Lords
几度夕阳红Many enchanting nights
独臂刀大战盲侠Zatoichi and one-armed swordsman
一盘没有下完的棋The game yet to finish
宁静海Thesilent lake
塔里的女人Lady in the tower
雁儿在林梢The wild goose on the wing
菟丝花Dodder flower
处处闻啼鸟Birds are singing everywhere
情窦初开Young lovers
辛十四娘The 14th daughter of hsin family
X档案之香炉风波Fight of woman
怨女情痴A woman's love
亲情Knotted love
早春二月Early spring
边城皇帝Country side hero
罗门四虎The quadrals of the Los'
烛光里的微笑Her smile through the candle lights
哗鬼学校Classmate party
摇啊摇!摇到外婆桥Shanghai triad
彩霞满天Love under a rozy sky
将邪神剑The magic sword
逃出珊瑚海Escape from coral cove
捉奸,强奸,通奸Sexy story
苔痕Lover no return
决战之后After the final battle
天国情书To love
邓小平-百色起义Baise uprising
成吉思汗Genghis Khan
月朦胧鸟朦胧The misty moon
等救火的日子Quiet days of firemen
五个女子和一根绳子Five girls and a rope
一颗红豆A love seed
时来运转Those merry souls
血裸祭Blood ritual
老夫子Older master cute
全职大盗The group
天赐良缘Sister cupid
一生一台戏A little life-opera
远山含笑Deep in the mountain
恶男Goodbye my love
家在台北Home sweet home
逃婚Marriage escape
霹雳大喇叭Where's officer tuba
双镯Thetwin bracelets
梁山伯与祝英台Leung San Par Chok Ying Toi
专撬墙脚The perfect wife
抢新郎Husband hunters
爱上百份百英雄We're no bad guys
浪子娇妻The broken hearts
乱点鸳鸯Double twins
黑太阳南京大屠杀Black sun the Nanking massacre
黑太阳731 Man behind the sun
英雄本色III夕阳之歌A better tomorrow III
我是一片云Cloud of romance
没有原告的杀人事件The accused uncle Shang Guang
求爱敢死队How to pick girls up
我爱金龟婿Sweet surrender
中华战士Magnificent warriors
小狐仙Unforgettable fantasy
小月亮Theprecious little moon
大哥大续集Fatal recall
秘帖Secret message
艳侠=Thebeautiful swordswoman
西游记Journey to the west
龙王子=Dragon prince
丐侠Thebegging swordsman
恨你入骨I hate you deeply
审死官Justice, my foot !
日落春晖The tempestuous sunset
庙街皇后Queen of Temple Street
八美图=Eight beauties
一寸相思一寸泪= Bitter love in tears
变脸Theking of masks
驱魔警察Magic cop
警察故事Police story
曝光人物Fatal mission
纵横四海Once a thief
空中小姐Wind beneath the wings
龙之争霸Burning Ambition
千王情人Lover of the swindler
错体追击组合Fox hunter
积奇.玛莉Sisters in law
鲁冰花Thedull-ice flower
大乡里八面威风The country bumpkin - in style
誓不忘情Lover's tear
舞男情未了Gigolo & whore II
监狱不设防Jail house eros
最佳女婿Faithfully yours
麻雀飞龙Mahjong dragon
都市猎人Missing man
杨乃武与小白菜Yang Nai-wu & Hsiao Pai-tsai
新上海滩Shanghai grand
爱在黑社会的日子Love among the traid
鬼马保镳贼美人The good, the bad & the beauty
笑侠楚留香Legend of the liquid sword
秦颂Theemperor's shadow
街头杀手Iron monkey 2
乔迁之喜House removal greeting
最佳贼拍档The outlaw brothers
眼儿媚Those bewitching eyes
鬼夜啼Aghost's moaning
琼楼恨Thehaunted house
红鬼仔Redspell spells red
省港流莺Sex for sale
尸变Theliving corpse
花心梦里人Dream of desire
股疯Shanghai fever
夜夜伴肥娇Changing partner
夜半2点钟02:00 AM
真假千金The beggarly girl
赤裸羔羊Naked killer
没有老公的日子Tragic commitment
我爱法拉利To love Ferrari
何日君再来Au revoir, mon amour
至激杀人犯Mad stylist
有求不应Never promise anything
生龙活虎= Dragon and tiger
火龙Thelast emperor
文武香球Twin charms
少女潘金莲The amorous Lotus Pan
今天不回家Tonight nobody goes home
中秋月Festival moon
小鸽子姑娘The fairy dove
大闹广昌隆Finale in blood
大话神探Fumbling cops
人海奇女子Her secret past
禁婚记Anight-time wife
92应召女郎Call girl 92
神秘女侠Mysterious heroine