海角芳魂Shadows of love
恋爱反斗星Poor chasers
开国大典Founding ceremony
重庆谈判Chongqing negotiation
你笑我叫他跳News from the star
南北和Thegreatest civil war on earth
娱乐之王The lord of amusement
行运一条龙The lucky guy
江湖奇侠(下集大结局) The strange hero, part two
江湖奇侠(上集) The strange hero, part one
一鸣惊人The beauty and the dumb
济公传Thestory of monk Chai Kung
对不起,队冧妳Take five
新恋爱世纪Love generation Hong Kong
喜剧之王King of comedy
喜临门Fruit of marriage
诱惑Shadow in her heart
残生Thethird life
二八佳人Too young to love
香港之夜A night in Hong Kong
红娃Scarlet doll
云裳艳后Cinderella and her little angels
春情烈火Girl on the loose
寒蝉曲Asong to remember
香港之星Star of Hong Kong
馥兰姐姐Mother dearest
断肠风月An unwanted love
春天不是读书天Spring is in the air
碧血黄花The 72 martyrs of Canton
秋瑾Thedawn of China's revolution
风流儿女风流债A romantic person has romantic debts
孽海情天Sorrowful glory
误人子弟Teaching sucks!!
海棠红Blood will tell
超级无敌追女仔2之狗仔雄心Love cruise
毒蟒情鸳The serpent and the lovers
求恋期Cause we are so young
妙手回春The magic touch
小凤仙General Chai and lady balsam
碧云天Blue sky
喷火女郎The blazing charmer
碧水红莲The red lotus
樱都艳迹Tokyo interlude
七七事变The Lu Gou Qiao Incident
恋爱的天空Modern romance
猎鹰计划Walk on fire
龙的传人Legend of the dragon
整蛊王Tricky business
蝴蝶夫人Madam butterfly
百鸟朝凤All for her
广东五虎之铁拳无敌孙中山The tigers - the legend of Canton
银海笙歌Stand up and cheer
鼠胆龙威High risk
万花献媚Spring blossoms revue
阴阳路三之升棺发财Troublesome night 3
情圣Themagnificent scoundrels
爱您爱到杀死您Killing me tenderly
国产凌凌漆From Beijing with love
黑狱断肠歌之砌生猪肉Chinese midnight express
黑妞Black tulip of In-ka-bough
黄飞鸿对黄飞鸿Master Wong vs. master Wong
黄飞鸿笑传Once upon a time a hero in China
茶山情歌The voice of love
破坏之王Love on delivery
特别快车Holiday express
湘西赶尸记The case of the walking corpses
家有囍事All's well end's well
阴阳路Troublesome night
唐伯虎点秋香Flirting scholar
追女仔95之绮梦Romantic dream
面子问题A matter of face
洪兴仔之江湖大风暴War of the under world
忠奸盗Thegood, the bad and the bandit
豆腐西施Bean-curd queen
私恋Secret affairs
多情的野猫Nothing but love
生死恋Love & let love!
古惑仔2之猛龙过江Young and dangerous 2
古惑女之决战江湖Sexy and dangerous
天菩萨Buddha's lock
山水有相逢The golden girls
小白菜Thelittle girl named Cabbage
女儿心Sweet seventeen
大内密探零零发Forbidden City cop
八旗子弟The snuff battle
人间色相Love and sex among the ruins
人海奇女子Her secret past
孽缘Mirror of sin
爱的俘虏Prisoner of love
666魔鬼复活Satan returns