Robert Osborne

Robert Osborne

  • 姓名Robert Osborne
  • 性别
  • 职业演员
  • 国家美国
  • 出生日期1932-05-03
  • 逝世日期2017-03-06
  • 星座金牛座
  • 出生地美国,华盛顿,科尔法克斯

Robert Osborne was the host on Turner Classic Movies from its inception in 1994, in large part due to his deep and abiding love and knowledge of film. Osborne got his start working for Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. The ever-perspicacious Ball suggested that Osborne combine his interest in classic film and training in journalism, and write instead of act. Osborne took this advice and produced "Academy Awards Illustrated" a book which then begat his years at The Hollywood Reporter. He also became the official historian of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. An elegant and unassuming man, Osborne combined a startling facility with movie names, dates, and facts with the gift to tell a good story and ability to be a gracious host.