
Angela Featherstone

  • 姓名安吉拉·范特斯通
  • 性别
  • 职业演员
  • 国家加拿大
  • 出生日期1965-04-03
  • 星座白羊座
  • 出生地加拿大,安大略省,汉密尔顿市

Angela Featherstone (born 3 April 1965) is a Canadian actress. She is best known for playing Chloe in Friends, and the fiancee (Linda) who left Adam Sandler's character (Robbie) at the altar in The Wedding Singer.

Most recently she played the role of Jame on Girls/HBO. She has created sitcoms for Sony, DreamWorks and NBC television, and written nonfiction for Time, Jane, Flare, The Huffington Post, and 2015 Pushcart Prize nom., 'God Said No' in Gargoyle Magazine. She curated 'Fuck Pretty,' a gallery show featuring important & emerging female photographers at the Robert Berman Gallery and recorded 'Coattail Glide' with Raymond Pettibon and band The Niche Makers. Angela is an adjunct lecturer at the UCLA 2015 Professional Producing Program. Angela will speak at the ICAN Nexus 2015 Training Conference 'Violence in the Home and its Effects on Children.' She will discuss 'PTSD and Alternative Trauma Treatment.' She lives in Los Angeles, CA.