
Sex Traffic (2004)

  • 2005年01月10日 (挪威)
  • 剧情:This two-part drama focuses on the global business trafficking young women into forced prostitution in European and American cities. Elena and Vara, two sisters from Europe's poorest country Moldova, leave their village together with Vara's fiancé Alex to start a new and better life in London. Some days later, they realize the bitter reality: they were sold to traffickers who force the young women to work as prostitutes in several states in the Balkans. The reverberations of their story show the involvement of big business in America and corrupt international peacekeepers in Europe... bc7 Written by fippi2000 The story of two young Moldovan sisters, kidnapped and trafficked through Romania, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Italy to the dark side of London, betrayed by pimps and police, and fighting for their lives. The reverberations of their story are explosive, exposing far-reaching corruption that implicates big business in America and international peacekeeping forces in Europe alike. Written by Anonymous