Thr3e (2007)
- 2006年12月01日 (波兰) | 1小时41分钟
- 剧情 惊悚
- 剧情: 詹尼弗·彼特是一个举世闻名的警察评论者,她出版了一系列描写各种...
Jennifer Peters: You were only half-right, Sam. Slater isn't real. But honey, neither are you.
Jennifer Peters: When was the last time you left this house?
32 Uncle Eugene Parson fde : Why would I leave the house?
Jennifer Peters: Do you know who the President is right now?
Uncle Eugene Parson: [pause] Eisenhower.
Belinda Parson: Eisenhower was the only worthy President. We don't accept pretenders.