Kagemusha Kagemusha the Shadow Warrio (1980)
- 1980年04月26日 (日本) | 3小时
- 剧情 战争 历史
- 剧情:甲斐武田的“风林火山”之军,所到之处,无不令敌闻风丧胆。武田大举出击...
Shingen Takeda: Even with this resemblance, Nobukado, he is so wicked as to be sentenced to crucifixion. How c...
Kagemusha: I only stole a few coins. A petty thief. But you've killed hundreds and robbed whole domains. Who i...
Masakage Yamagata: How old are you, sire? Fifty-three, as I remember.
Shingen Takeda: Why?
Masakage Yamagata: And you still behave like a five-year-old child. People gather, scatter, they go left and r...
Shingen Takeda: I am wicked, as you believe. I am a scoundrel. I banished my father and I killed my own son. I...
Nobukado Takeda: I know it is difficult. I was for a long time the lord's double. It was torture. It is not ea...